Wow! There's been so much angst and controversy over this whole election and switchover process.
I'm about ready to just give up trying to keep up with hearings and tweets! That is afterall what the Teapublicans want. They want smoothe sailing to steal the people's future and hand it over to their fat cat overlords. No objections at all would be best, easiest at least.
I know the Fox junkies are all about making out like the poor abused billionaires are so maligned.
Fine - go ahead. They are misused. They live in abject misery from all those pesky servants and multiple bits of silver or gold flatwear on the dinner table. How's a body supposed to enjoy a five course meal in peace anyway? And to add insult to injury, they aren't at the beck and call of an employer or bank or city agency demanding they conform to what the masses are being required to do. They don't get to pay their fair share of taxes and they have to spend millions of dollars (an annoying pittance) in lobbyist expenses to buy off Congress - - - all just so they can get their own way.
No wonder they have to have the two trillion dollar Social Security fund mostly shut off from the people who have paid in to and completely funded it. No wonder they need their Congressional stooges to arrange for 'cuts in benefits'. They desperately need that money to go in to their coffers so they can continue the lifestyle to which they are accustomed. And not unlike so many of their other assets, they need to have the population at large pay with their last dollar and home and health - for the wealthy's advantages.
So we'll continue with this insanity of inversion:
A "President" who doesn't respect the Presidency, an Attorney General who doesn't believe in upholding the laws of the land, an Education Secretary who doesn't believe in equally available education for all children, an Energy Department Secretary who doesn't want the job any longer than it takes to get rid of the department he has been assigned, a Labor Secretary who doesn't believe in rights of laborers, Secretary of State who is actually in league with - an outright toady of Russia (like the soon-to-be-President - of the U.S.A.) ...and on and on.
I keep wondering if it is real. I wonder if as a Russian satellite we'll at least get decent healthcare?
The Teapublicans have had seven years to figure out a better alternative to the ACA, but they haven't bothered. I guess they don't care because they've got their Socialized Medicine. They are taken care of - so why bother about the rest of us?
It turns my stomach to hear all those hypocrites spewing the phrase "American People" all the time, as if the saying of that "holy of holies" makes the rest of their crap impervious to any sort of scrutiny. We're all supposed to just back off and bow down because some politician used "the American people" in their snake oil sales pitch.
That isn't actually the saddest part.
There are so many gullible people who swallow that - hook, line, and sinker.
On to January 20th, " Inoculation Day " - yes, you read it right...the day bugs really start their agitated crawling, trying to hang on even though they are responsible for killing the host.
We can only hope the injection illustrates to the masses that it IS the Teapublican's fault and they need to be flushed if the host ( our country ) is to survive.
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